From the long forgotten ashes of an abandoned project rises the Phoenix of 19
40! As many know, some years ago I had built up a respectable 28mm WWII collection (upwards of 400 figures, 50 vehicles, and countless terrain pieces). You can see some photos of it scattered about here. After having fought a crap-load of games with this collection, I did what seems to be a pattern for me: I sold it all! OK, not quite all of it. Just before I decided to part ways with the collection, Daniel and I had begun the sub-project of 1940 France. We hadn't moved much further than assembling a f
ew vehicles and guns and purchasing a platoon's worth of French from Crusader. Rather than move them out the door with the rest of the collection, I decided to keep these for some future incentive. That incentive seems to have been long in coming (5 years?). Recently, Vidal and I have been trying out a few WWII rule sets with his 15mm and 20mm collections. We seem finally to have hit on one that we both like, Disposable Heroes & Coffin for Seven Brothers (quite the mouthful) by Iron Ivan Games. So, as I've been waiting (impatiently) for my Perry Carlist Wars figures to arrive, I pulled out a squad of Frenchies and started working on them. The results are below, along with some shots of the previously started 1940 collection.
A platoon of 1940 French infantry, minus a rifle grenadier (Crusader Miniatures) and backed up by a Somua 35 (Army Group North Miniatures).
A closer shot of the Crusader French. As with the last batch of Carlist figures, I used the Army Painter matt sealer and it leaves a noticeable sheen that I'm not happy with.
The French 1940 uniform is really quite drab (but aren't most WWII uniforms?). Makes them easier to paint though.

All in all a good little start to the project. I have two more squads, a platoon command and some support weapons for the French infantry and some vehicles for the Germans. Now if I could just get Vidal to paint some Germans!
I think you mixed up the turrets on my FT17s
ReplyDeleteAh, yes...sorry about that.
ReplyDeleteWe occassionally do 1940 scenarios in 15mm using I Ain't Been Shot, Mum, it's a lot of fun. So far I've found the best way to deal with a Char B or S35 is a Stuka.
ReplyDeleteI've yet to blood my PzIs though.
I just aquired some Warlord Games WW2 French in 28mm (very nice), I'll be using your pics as a painting guide as it seems I don't have anything adequate around the house.