As mentioned in a previous post, I braved a terrible Canadian blizzard of epic proportions (no, really) to collect my Old Glory order that had been fetched from Cold Wars by Vidal. Besides all the Boer War figures for Daniel and the Boxer Rebellion reinforcements for me, I found this gem:
This is Old Glory's Colonial river boat. It measures a grand 14 inches long and almost four inches across the beam. This is gonna look so cool with sandbag revetments for the guns (fore and aft) and a sun awning above the upper deck. I can see the British Marines wading ashore under the cover of her guns while assaulting a Boxer/Chinese fort along the Yanghtzee River on the way to relieve Peking. Hmmm, I'll need some suitable sailor figures. Ahhh, grand ideas!
And a question. I'm trying out some new movement stands for my six-figure Carlist Wars cavalry units. Do the figures look too far apart or is it merely a trick of the aesthetics? Does the contrast between bare wood and sculpted bases create an illusion of more space?

No doubt it will rescue Khartoum as well.