Showing posts with label 28mm War of the Roses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 28mm War of the Roses. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2023

A Year's Hiatus

Sigh, finally back to the long-neglected blog. House renovations, travelling, and a general painting ennui have brought about an almost 12 month vacation from updating with hobby progress. While almost six months passed last year with absolutely no painting or building (aforesaid renovations included a new basement hobby area), gaming continued at my normal pace. But with the randomly-decided turning of the New Year, my painting mojo seems to have returned. So, some recent additions to my collections and something new...

First up, the last of the planned Wars of the Roses figures. I believe the collection is now up to 383 figures. These are two light horse units from Front Rank. To be fair, only one is new but I decided to base/re-base on round bases to provide a more light-horse-y feel.

In a similar completion vein, I have finally completed the last of the French & Indian War units. From Galloping Major, these are two skirmish groups of Stockbridge Indians for the British side, along with one Big Man. 

And two final units for the FIW collection, Royal Navy landing party with Big Man, from Galloping Major. 
This well and truly finishes the FIW collection (well, at least until something else shiny comes along).

And for something new?

AWI continentals from Wargames Foundry...

...and some state line (2nd NY) also from Wargames Foundry.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Wars of the Roses: knights (2) and light horse

The last of the Wars of the Roses project have ridden forth from the muster, a second unit of knights and one of light horse. This gets the project to a whopping 300 figures(!) over the course of three and half months. Most of the credit to the speed-painting goes to Games Workshop contrast paints. Part of this project was an experiment to see how much I could use the contrast paints and I estimate that around 80% of the painting was done this way. I call that a successful experiment!

Generic light horse with pointy sticks. 
What these Front Rank figures lack in variety of poses is made up surely by the beauty and precision of the sculpts that take contrast painting beautifully.

A second unit of knights, again from Front Rank.
I've added a a more lightly-armoured standard bearer for some variety. These Front Rank horsemen are substantial chunks of metal and are thus quite hefty (in many senses).

A mounted commander to lead the various horse units. The addition of this Front Rank pack saw me order at least one of everything in the FR WotR catalogue.

I had to put all three mounted units together for a photo. These will look suitably impressive rumbling across the table!

 And one last addition to the collection, three Gripping Beast monks to tend to the spiritual needs of my armies.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Wars of the Roses: mounted knights (1) and stake defences

My Xmas present arrived recently from Front Rank in the form of enough figures for two units of mounted knights and one of light horse. I decided to start off with the daunting task of painting the first unit of mounted knights. Painting cavalry is not my favourite part of the hobby but luckily my quest to continue on this project using primarily GW contrast paints was helpful.

Mounted knights with various weapons (Front Rank figures).
I painted a few of the helmets in various colours, although probably a few too many (but who really knows how prevalent this was at the time?).

In the recent Front Rank order, I also included some archers at work on their stake defences and some casualty figures. From these, I created three stake defence stands with various figures pounding in and sharpening stakes  with an occasional casualty scattered about. The stakes are shishkebob skewers drilled and glued into spare sabot base bottoms with the usual ground covering.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Wars of the Roses: new units and an end to the foot troops (for now)

I recently received another order from Front Rank to complete the foot troops of the Wars of the Roses project. So far, my painting and ordering schedule has worked well. For this project at least, I have begun painting as soon as an order arrives and also immediately order another batch. This way, there are always figures on the way while I'm beavering away at the current stock. One may question why I don't just order it all up front and take advantage of Front Rank discounts but there are a few legitimate reasons: first, I have a monthly hobby budget to which I try to adhere (with varying levels of success); second, Front Rank has had a limit on sizes of orders during the current apocalypse; and third, a mountain of unpainted figures can be a daunting sight. Much better for my hobby mental health to go about it in smaller increments.

So, on to the latest additions (and these complete the current plans for foot troops... I have ordered a Xmas present for myself, composed of mounted Knights and light horse).

A second unit of men-at-arms of no particular affiliation. As with all my units, livery colours and banners are based primarily (if not exclusively) on whichever colours and livery badges catch my eye at the time).
Front Rank figures.

A fourth unit of billmen. In this case, I utilized a few HYW figures with what would be, in the WotR, outdated kit. I envisioned this unit as a town militia, equipping the men with fairly standard livery colours but finding whatever equipment might be available from old stocks.
Front Rank figures.

Two units of crossbowmen, hired from the continent.
Front Rank figures.

An extra retinue command stand, in case someone decides to field a fourth ward in their army.
Front Rank figures.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Wars of the Roses: terrain pieces

Alongside all the WotR painting over the last few months, I decided to putter away at some terrain pieces...

the start of a small village with chapel...

Medieval Chapel from Tabletop Workshop.
This is a beautifully rendered plastic model that took painting well. I'd like to get more of the collection but they are rather expensive (and difficult to find).

Renedra medieval cottage and outbuilding

Renedra outbuildings and wattle-fenced enclosure.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Wars of the Roses: Irish & other bits & pieces

Earlier this week, I received my order from Antediluvian Miniatures to flesh out my Irish contingent. I have high praise for AM... ordering to receipt, just over two weeks from the UK! Besides the AM figures, I have the previously-completed Gripping Beast kern and another 12 gallóglaich from Crusader Miniatures (currently on the painting table).

Irish Gallóglaich from Antediluvian Miniatures.
These are lovely figures though somewhat slimmer than Front Rank. This presents no issues as they will be in their own units and, in fact, their own retinue. In Never Mind the Billhooks, gallóglaich (often seen as "gallowglas")  fight as men-at-arms (i.e. with nasty weapons) but save as billmen (i.e. medium-ish armour).

Bow-armed kern from Antediluvian Miniatures.

Irish command from Antediluvian Miniatures... 
currently flag-less but standards on their way from Pete's Flags.

The Irish contingent/retinue so far... with Gripping Beast kern with pointy sticks.

Front Ranks four-wheeled wagon... 
not an in-game combat unit (obviously) but a nice piece of colour for the table.

Front Rank two-wheeled wagon. 
I've added a pile of hay cropped from a floor mat and glued to an appropriately-sized block of blue foam.

I whipped up a couple of "field defences" out of various bits & pieces over blue foam mounted on a spare mdf unit base.

Never Mind the Billhooks has a special event called "hidden ditch." Using another spare mdf unit stand, I added low level blue foam banks and some gloss varnish for the water effect. I deliberately kept this simple and relatively clutter-free.