1) Manufacturer: I would prefer a single manufacturer so that the sculpting style remains consistent. This is not a make or break criterion if two or more ranges have similar styles that I feel are compatible. Lately, I've found myself attracted to new genres/projects merely because of a new range of figures (the Perry First Carlist War range is case in point). Is the one manufacturer's range complete (or are here concrete plans to make it complete or at least expand)? Now, I suppose one person's idea of complete is not the same as another's. Do I really expect the Perry brothers to release figures for the one Cristino hussar unit that served with the army? Probably not. But this brings up another point: does that manufacturer/sculptor have other ranges from which figures can be co-opted for the planned project. In the case of the aforementioned hussars, the Perrys have just released a box of plastic Napoleonic French hussars which I'm sure, with all the various options provided, can provide the necessary figures.
2) Cost: This is always a consideration but higher costs can be mitigated somewhat. Spreading purchases over time can help (besides, I can only paint so fast). Using the Old Glory Army discount can help. The new plastic ranges are also attractive for this criterion.
3) Scope: How many figures/models do I need to build two basic armies with a good dose of variety? Hopefully I can keep this below 300 figures (with, of course, scope for adding at a later date if the mood strikes me). Is the projected painting time reasonable? I would much prefer to have a maximum two year time frame for project completion (the three month completion of the WWI naval is a bit of an anomaly and obviously not really achievable with most projects).
4) Familiarity: Do I really need to be familiar with the historical genre? If I'm attracted to a project by a range of figures, I suppose not. Some passing interest is helpful though. A big attraction for me is the research and development phase; finding the resources, learning about the historical period/genre, etc. (Why haven't I ever started a Fenian Raids project?)
5) Uniqueness: Is this project unique, to me or to the hobby in general? Have I ever tried this period/genre/scale before? Is anyone in my immediate gaming community doing it? Is it a niche genre in the hobby at large? None of this is terribly important. After all, my biggest project to date is 28mm Napoleonics; hardly unique. But for a smaller project of the type I'm contemplating, a unique character is a nice bonus.
6) Aesthetic Attraction: While I'm not averse to khaki armies, bright colours for me are like shiny things for a raccoon. There has to be something that attracts me aesthetically; the uniforms, the scenic setting, etc.
7) Basing: I don't mean the basing conventions in a given set of rules (to which I don't normally adhere anyway). Do Litko or Gale Force Nine carry the bases I need or will they custom make them? A related issue: are there pre-made game markers for the rules/period available? For my WWI naval project, Litko supplied Victory at Sea turning templates and other markers, such as smoke, shell splashes and torpedoes. Again, this is not a make or break criterion.
So these are some of the criteria that spring most quickly to mind. How do these translate to a real project for me? Recently, Michael and Daniel and I had a discussion about this very thing. I asked them about ideas for future projects, given some of the criteria listed above. Of all the suggestions, the Boxer Rebellion was perhaps the most attractive. But after some thought and noticing (again) the Perry box set of plastic War of the Roses infantry, my imagination started to drift to medievals. This is a historical genre/period for which I've always had an interest but have never carried through on to a real project. How does the War of the Roses meet my criteria?
1) & 2) Manufacturer & Cost: Actually, this will take abit longer to explain and I'll leave it 'til last.
3) Scope: I think I can build two representative armies for 300 figures or less. This can even include the more exotic troop types represented by Continental mercenaries (i.e. handgunners, artillery, pikemen). If I use a Sharpe Practice type rule set, I can base the figures singly for a pseudo-skirmish type of game and use movement trays for larger battles (perhaps with a different set of rules, such as Piquet).
4) Familiarity: I have some knowledge of the basics of the War of the Roses but nothing extensive. I won't be starting my research from scratch but I still need to learn enough to maintain my interest. I have all the appropriate Ospreys and the old stalwart publication, Armies of the Middle Ages, Vol. 1 by Ian Heath and these give me the basics. More detailed information about battles and campaigns I'll have to search out (and it gives me an excuse to add to my book collection...as if I need one).
5) Uniqueness: War of the Roses is not terribly unique in the hobby, although it's far from being one of the major periods. Few, if any, game this period/genre in my immediate gaming community (at least not that I've seen). And it is unique to me, which helps to swing the decision-making balance.
Perry Miniatures WotR Foot
(from Warlord Games website)
6) Aesthetic Attraction: Oh yeah! This is a very colourful period. Brightly coloured tunics and banners contrasted with the shiny armour of the men-at-arms and knights!
So, on to the manufacturer and the costs. My initial interest was sparked by the Perry Miniatures War of the Roses box set but there are other options.
Perry Miniatures
The plastic box set currently offered "contains enough components to build forty complete (40) plastic 28mm infantry figures (there are 14 different body designs), including four (4) fully armoured command. The distribution of parts allows for up to eighteen (18) billmen or thirty (30) archers. There are also additional arms for the command to allow you to build two (2) standard bearers, and also pairs of arms with trumpets. A total of 56 heads are included" (Warlord Games). The list price from Perry is £15.00 or $23.43 CAD. That equates to just a little under $.60 CAD per figure. These are complimented by a small metal range of mounted figures but since very few mounted knights would be needed (if any at all), I'd only need to worry about command figures. Three mounted metal figures = £7.50 or $11.72 CAD ($3.91 CAD per figure + horse). There is another plastic box set on the horizon as well that will include handgunners and pikemen. Perry Miniatures also has an extensive Hundred Years War range from which I could pick and choose.
√ cost
√ plastic figures that allow variety of poses
√ sculpting style
√ variety (coupled with Hundred Years War range selections)
X plastic figures = assembly
X not compatible with Front Rank
Front Rank has a very large range of WotR figures (and an extensive Hundred Years War range to pick out of as well). These figures are much bulkier and of a decidedly different sculpting style than the Perry figuress and for the most part can't be mixed. Foot figures are £1.05 or $1.64 CAD per figure. Mounted figures (+ horse) are £2.65 or $4.14 CAD each. The greatest advantage of the FR figures is that they can be ordered singly.
√ single figure ordering
√ sculpting style
√ variety (coupled with Hundred Years War range selections)
X not compatible with Perry Miniatures
X cost
Front Rank men-at-arms.
The biggest advantage to choosing Old Glory are the variety of figures available (as with most OG ranges) and cost. Foot figures come in bags of 30 for $19.20 USD or $19.46 CAD, or $.65 CAD per figure. Mounted figures are $21.00 USD or $21.29 CAD for 10 figures, or $2.13 CAD per figure. OG sculpting can be inconsistent but their WotR range seems to be one of their better ones.
√ cost
√/X? sculpting style
√ variety
√/X? compatibility with Perry Miniatures (not sure)
X large bags of same/similar figures requires extra purchases to get variety
Old Glory men-at-arms from:
I'm leaning more to the Perry figures, mostly because I like their sculpting style, price, and the attraction of learning to work with the plastics. Old Glory is coming in a close second place. Although I like Front Rank style, I'm not as attracted to their price.
Hmmm, the planning goes on!
ReplyDeleteWhy won't anyone do ECW with me?
*hangs head and walks away*
A very lovely post, however I found the black text on a brown back ground very hard to read. Could it perhaps be changed to white text?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info. It was helpful Just started WoTR. Ordered Perry Bros miniatures today.
Hi there! I am a new follower of this blog. I wondered if you had ever continued this project, and how it turned out?
ReplyDeleteI am thinking of collecting some of the Perry twins excellent plastic halbadier and bowmen kits. In light of this article, is there a 'man-at-arms' range, of heavily armoured infantry, that you would consider to go well with them (other than the Perry twins own miniatures of course)?
Thanks! :)